Social Stream Stack

Live Stream Pre-Recorded Video To Youtube - Module for Stackposts is one of the awesome modules for Stackposts app. It allows and helps you to easily schedules live stream to your Youtube channel.

Social Stream Stack App

It starts on TikTok. Join the millions of viewers discovering content and creators on TikTok - available on the web or on your mobile device. It is also a good bet because it supports various file formats which include Markdown, HTML, LaTeX, etc. Other fantastic reasons why you may prefer this particular LaTeX editor are quick edits, ability to share index page on social media, etc. Led is a small program that allows you to do some TEX and LaTeX editing with ease. Stackposts is a social media marketing tool that allows and helps you to easily auto post, schedule Instagram posts along with Facebook, Twitter and many more! It also can manage multiple social networks, schedule posts, increase your Traffic and engage your audiences.

Social Stream Stack

Note: This module is not standalone app. To use this module, you need to get main Stackpost app from here:


  • Live Stream Pre-Recorded Video To Youtube
  • Schedule a live video broadcast from your Youtube channel
  • Create live event before live stream
  • Dowload video from Youtube to live stream
  • Preview live stream before publish
  • Add watermark for video live stream
  • Report live stream
  • Many useful and awesome features from main Stackposts app:
Social stream stack download



Username: [email protected]
Password: 123456


End-User License Agreement

Please read this agreement carefully before installing or using this product.
If you agree to all of the terms of this End-User License Agreement, by checking the box or clicking the button to confirm your acceptance when you first install the web application, you are agreeing to all the terms of this agreement. Also, By downloading, installing, using, or copying this web application, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms of this End-User License Agreement, you are agreeing to all the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to all of these terms, do not check the box or click the button and/or do not use, copy or install the web application, and uninstall the web application from all your server that you own or control.
Note: With Stackposts, We are using the official Social Media API (Facebook, Twitter etc, except Instagram) which is available on Developer Center. That is a reason why Stackpost depends on Social Media API . Therefore, We are not responsible if they made too many critical changes in their side. We also don’t guarantee that the compatibility of the script with Socia Media API will be forever. Although we always try to update the lastest version of script as soon as possible. We don’t provide any refund for all problems which are originated from Social Media API (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc). We’re not responsible for any issue related to the social accounts.

If you do not accept the terms of this agreement and you purchased a product containing the web application from an authorized retailer, you may be eligible to return the product for a refund, subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable return policy.

Important notice:

  • We don’t offer free support (Time support can up to 2 days)
  • We don’t offer refund (If item has been Dowloaded or Mistake)
  • We don’t support install and custom script free
  • Read all the product information before you decide to buy it

Note: You cannot charge users for using this script with the Regular license. Kindly buy the Extended license for commercial use of this script.

Changle log:

Important: In the template in step 4, use the NetworkStack resource stack as the value for NetworkStackParameter. The NetworkStack value replaces the correct stack name in the corresponding Fn::ImportValue functions.

Note: For examples of import and export templates, see Fn::ImportValue.

5. Choose the Create stack icon, and then choose Next.

6. For Stack name, enter a name for your stack.

Social Stream Stack Meaning

7. For Parameters, enter the network stack name (NetworkStack)that you want to cross-reference.

8. Choose Next, choose Next again, and then choose Create.

Social Stream Stack App

9. After the stack creation is complete, open the Amazon EC2 console.

Social stream stack definition

10. In the navigation pane, choose Instances, and then choose the instance that you created with the template in step 4.

11. Choose the Description view, and then verify that the security group and subnet are configured.

Important: You can't delete the source stack or the source stack's export values, while another stack is importing these values. To update the source stack's export values, manually replace the actual values in the stacks that are importing the source stack's export values. Then, you can update the export values of the source stack.

To list all stacks that are importing an exported output value, run the list-imports command. To list all exports in an AWS Region, use the AWS CloudFormation console or run the list-exports command. The export name must be unique for the account per AWS Region.