
  1. Queue s are a type of container adaptor, specifically designed to operate in a FIFO context (first-in first-out), where elements are inserted into one end of the container and extracted from the other.
  2. League of Insec.
  1. Queue Data Structure
  2. Queue Meaning
Queue the music


Queue contacts like music

Schedule Demos and Callbacks

Schedule Demos and Callbacks

Make calls like you playlists. By queuing contacts before phoning, you can make morecalls, in lesstime, without the anxiety of deciding who to call next.

Queue waiting line of people or cars: There was a long queue at the movies. Not to be confused with: cue – hint; prompting: The actor was given his cue. Abused, Confused. A line of people, usually standing or in cars, waiting for something: Are you in the queue for tickets? There was a long queue of traffic stretching down the road. If you want tickets you'll have to join the queue. Queue synonyms, queue pronunciation, queue translation, English dictionary definition of queue. Waiting line of people or cars: There was a long queue.


Schedule Demos and Callbacks

Schedule Demos and Callbacks

Schedule Demos and Callbacks


Need to call a customer back? Just booked a demo? Schedule your callbacks and demos right inside the app after the call, and Queue will create calendar events for you.

Save events to your calendar

Schedule Demos and Callbacks

Get caller ID with Contact Sync

Queue syncs your scheduled calbacks and demos right to your calendar of choice (Apple Calendar, Google Calendar, and more)

Get caller ID with Contact Sync

Get caller ID with Contact Sync

Get caller ID with Contact Sync


Ever had a random customer call you back with no caller ID? Because Queue syncs your leads to your phone, you'll always get caller ID, and you'll never sift through rec sheets again.


Create tags, take notes, & more

Get caller ID with Contact Sync

Create tags, take notes, & more

Separate customers by location, take notes on conversations, create wishlists, and create whatever custom tags you need.

Queue Data Structure

Save the result of EVERY call

Get caller ID with Contact Sync

Create tags, take notes, & more

Queue Meaning

Queue saves the result of every call, so you always know where you stand with a customer.