
Looking for our Scraping API? Check out the Scraping API documentation.

Xojo announced the 2020 Xojo Design Award winners during a video keynote on March 25, 2020. On July 15, 2020, Xojo released an update for Xojo to run on macOS Big Sur as well as Apple Silicon. Xojo released their new web framework on August 26, 2020 for developing modern, responsive web apps with Xojo. Xojo is a rapid, cross-platform development tool that allows you to build for Mac, Windows, Linux, as well as for web, iOS and Raspberry Pi. The Xojo programming language is both modern and object. Xojo的Mac OS X程序还支持嵌入AppleScript脚本,所嵌入的脚本可以作为工程中的一个全局方法来调用,在Windows上则支持大部分ActiveX控件。Xojo语言通过与VB类似的Declare语句提供对操作系统API和各平台上的动态库、静态库文件中的函数进行直接调用。.

This is the Pastebin.com developers API documentation page. Here you can find all the information you need to get started with our API. If you have questions, feel free to contact us. If you are a developer, and you are building something for Pastebin which might benefit others as well, be sure to contact us, as we might be able to feature your creation on our tools page.
1. Your Unique Developer API Key
2. Creating A New Paste
3. Creating A New Paste, [Required Parameters]
4. Creating A New Paste, [Optional Parameters]
5. Creating A New Paste, The 'api_paste_format' Parameter In Detail
6. Creating A New Paste, The 'api_paste_expire_date' Parameter In Detail
7. Creating A New Paste, The 'api_paste_private' Parameter In Detail
8. Creating A New Paste, The 'api_folder_key' Parameter In Detail
9. Creating An 'api_user_key' Using The API Member Login System
10. Listing Pastes Created By A User
11. Deleting A Paste Created By A User
12. Getting A Users Information And Settings
13. Getting raw paste output of users pastes including 'private' pastes
14. Getting raw paste output of any 'public' & 'unlisted' pastes
Everybody using our API is required to use a valid Developer API Key. You automatically get a key when you become a member of Pastebin. Please login to your account, and return to this page to find your Developer API Key.
Creating A New Paste
Creating a new paste via our API is very easy. You simply have to send a valid POST request to the url shown below. Please make sure you are sending the data
as the UTF-8 charset. Below is a PHP example using curl how to create a new paste:
$api_dev_key = 'YOUR API DEVELOPER KEY'; // your api_developer_key$api_paste_code = 'just some random text you :)'; // your paste text$api_paste_private = '1'; // 0=public 1=unlisted 2=private$api_paste_name = 'justmyfilename.php'; // name or title of your paste$api_paste_expire_date = '10M';$api_paste_format = 'php';$api_user_key = '; // if an invalid or expired api_user_key is used, an error will spawn. If no api_user_key is used, a guest paste will be created$api_paste_name = urlencode($api_paste_name);$api_paste_code = urlencode($api_paste_code);$url = 'https://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php';$ch = curl_init($url);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'api_option=paste&api_user_key='.$api_user_key.'&api_paste_private='.$api_paste_private.'&api_paste_name='.$api_paste_name.'&api_paste_expire_date='.$api_paste_expire_date.'&api_paste_format='.$api_paste_format.'&api_dev_key='.$api_dev_key.'&api_paste_code='.$api_paste_code.');curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0);$response = curl_exec($ch);echo $response;
Below is a curl command example how to create a new paste:
curl -X POST -d 'api_dev_key=YOUR API DEVELOPER KEY' -d 'api_paste_code=test' -d 'api_option=paste' 'https://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php'
Possible Good API Responses: (example) Possible Bad API Responses:
Bad API request, invalid api_optionBad API request, invalid api_dev_keyBad API request, maximum number of 25 unlisted pastes for your free accountBad API request, maximum number of 10 private pastes for your free accountBad API request, api_paste_code was emptyBad API request, maximum paste file size exceededBad API request, invalid api_paste_expire_dateBad API request, invalid api_paste_privateBad API request, invalid api_paste_formatBad API request, invalid api_user_keyBad API request, invalid or expired api_user_keyBad API request, you can't add paste to folder as guest
Creating A New Paste, [Required Parameters]
Include all the following POST parameters when you request the url:
1. api_dev_key - which is your unique API Developers Key.
2. api_option - set as paste, this will indicate you want to create a new paste.
3. api_paste_code - this is the text that will be written inside your paste.
Leaving any of these parameters out will result in an error.
Creating A New Paste, [Optional Parameters]
These parameters are not required when you create a new paste, but are possible to add:
1. api_user_key - this parameter is part of the login system, which is explained further down the page.
2. api_paste_name - this will be the name / title of your paste.
3. api_paste_format - this will be the syntax highlighting value, which is explained in detail further down the page.
4. api_paste_private - this makes a paste public, unlisted or private, public = 0, unlisted = 1, private = 2
5. api_paste_expire_date - this sets the expiration date of your paste, the values are explained futher down the page.
6. api_folder_key - this sets the key of the folder of your paste, the values are explained futher down the page.
Creating A New Paste, The 'api_paste_format' Parameter In Detail
We have over 200 syntax highlighting options available, below you can find a list of all the possible values you can use in combination with api_paste_format. Always include the value on the left from the list below, the value on the right is just the full name of the language in question.
6502acme = 6502 ACME Cross Asse...
6502tasm = 6502 TASM/64TASS
actionscript = ActionScript
ada = Ada
algol68 = ALGOL 68
applescript = AppleScript
arduino = Arduino
asm = ASM (NASM)
asymptote = Asymptote
autohotkey = Autohotkey
avisynth = Avisynth
bascomavr = BASCOM AVR
basic4gl = Basic4GL
bibtex = BibTeX
blitzbasic = Blitz Basic
bnf = BNF
bf = BrainFuck
csharp = C#
cpp = C++
cpp-qt = C++ (with Qt extensi...
caddcl = CAD DCL
ceylon = Ceylon
c_mac = C for Macs
chapel = Chapel
clojure = Clojure
klonecpp = Clone C++
cobol = COBOL
cfm = ColdFusion
cuesheet = Cuesheet
dart = Dart
dcpu16 = DCPU-16
delphi = Delphi
diff = Diff
dot = DOT
ezt = Easytrieve
eiffel = Eiffel
epc = EPC
euphoria = Euphoria
falcon = Falcon
fo = FO Language
fortran = Fortran
freeswitch = FreeSWITCH
gml = Game Maker
gdscript = GDScript
genie = Genie
go = Go
groovy = Groovy
haskell = Haskell
hicest = HicEst
html4strict = HTML
icon = Icon
ini = INI file
intercal = INTERCAL
ispfpanel = ISPF Panel Definitio...
java = Java
javascript = JavaScript
jquery = jQuery
julia = Julia
kotlin = Kotlin
latex = Latex
lb = Liberty BASIC
lisp = Lisp
locobasic = Loco Basic
lolcode = LOL Code
lotusscript = Lotus Script
lua = Lua
magiksf = MagikSF
mapbasic = MapBasic
matlab = MatLab
metapost = MetaPost
mmix = MIX Assembler
modula2 = Modula 2
68000devpac = Motorola 68000 HiSof...
mxml = MXML
nagios = Nagios
newlisp = newLISP
nim = Nim
oberon2 = Oberon 2
objc = Objective C
ocaml-brief = OCaml Brief
oorexx = Open Object Rexx
oracle8 = Oracle 8
oz = Oz
parigp = PARI/GP
pawn = Pawn
per = Per
perl6 = Perl 6
php = PHP
pic16 = Pic 16
pixelbender = Pixel Bender
plsql = PL/SQL
postscript = PostScript
powerbuilder = PowerBuilder
proftpd = ProFTPd
prolog = Prolog
providex = ProvideX
purebasic = PureBasic
python = Python
q = q/kdb+
qml = QML
racket = Racket
rbs = RBScript
reg = REG
robots = Robots
rpmspec = RPM Spec
gnuplot = Ruby Gnuplot
sas = SAS
scheme = Scheme
scl = SCL
smalltalk = Smalltalk
spark = SPARK
sqf = SQF
sshconfig = SSH Config
stonescript = StoneScript
swift = Swift
tsql = T-SQL
teraterm = Tera Term
thinbasic = thinBasic
typoscript = TypoScript
uscript = UnrealScript
urbi = Urbi
vbnet = VB.NET
vedit = Vedit
vhdl = VHDL
vb = VisualBasic
visualprolog = Visual Pro Log
whois = WHOIS
xbasic = XBasic
xojo = Xojo
xpp = XPP
yara = YARA
zxbasic = ZXBasic
Creating A New Paste, The 'api_paste_expire_date' Parameter In Detail
We have 9 valid values available which you can use with the api_paste_expire_date parameter:
N = Never
10M = 10 Minutes
1H = 1 Hour
1D = 1 Day
1W = 1 Week
2W = 2 Weeks
1M = 1 Month
6M = 6 Months
1Y = 1 Year
Creating A New Paste, The 'api_paste_private' Parameter In Detail
We have 3 valid values available which you can use with the api_paste_private parameter:
0 = Public
1 = Unlisted
2 = Private (only allowed in combination with api_user_key, as you have to be logged into your account to access the paste)
Creating A New Paste, The 'api_folder_key' Parameter In Detail
With this parameter you can set the destination folder for your paste. Use the 'api_user_key' parameter first before using 'api_folder_key' of your existing folder.
Creating An 'api_user_key' Using The API Member Login System
With this API we allow you to create applications which use the Pastebin members system. Sending a valid POST request to our API login system will return a unique api_user_key which can then be used to create a paste as a logged in user. Please send the request to the link shown below: Include all the following POST parameters when you request the url:
1. api_dev_key - this is your API Developer Key, in your case: YOUR API DEVELOPER KEY
2. api_user_name - this is the username of the user you want to login.
3. api_user_password - this is the password of the user you want to login.
If all 3 values match, a valid user session key will be returned. This key can be used as the api_user_key parameter. Only one key can be active at the same time for the same user. This key does not expire, unless a new one is generated. We recommend creating just one, then caching that key locally as it does not expire.
Below is a PHP example using curl how to create a valid api_user_key:
$api_dev_key = 'YOUR API DEVELOPER KEY';$api_user_name = 'a_users_username';$api_user_password = 'a_users_password';$api_user_name = urlencode($api_user_name);$api_user_password = urlencode($api_user_password);$url = 'https://pastebin.com/api/api_login.php';$ch = curl_init($url);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'api_dev_key='.$api_dev_key.'&api_user_name='.$api_user_name.'&api_user_password='.$api_user_password.');curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0);$response = curl_exec($ch);echo $response;
Below is a curl command example how to create a valid api_user_key:
curl -X POST -d 'api_dev_key=YOUR API DEVELOPER KEY' -d 'api_user_name=a_users_username' -d 'api_user_password=a_users_password' 'https://pastebin.com/api/api_login.php'
Possible Good API Responses: (example) Possible Bad API Responses:
Bad API request, use POST request, not GETBad API request, invalid api_dev_keyBad API request, invalid loginBad API request, account not activeBad API request, invalid POST parameters
Listing Pastes Created By A User
With this API you can list all the pastes created by a certain user. You will need send a valid POST request to the url below to access the data: Include all the following POST parameters when you request the url:
1. api_dev_key - this is your API Developer Key, in your case: YOUR API DEVELOPER KEY
2. api_user_key - this is the session key of the logged in user. How to obtain such a key
3. api_results_limit - this is not required, by default its set to 50, min value is 1, max value is 1000
4. api_option - set as 'list'
Below is a PHP example using curl how to list pastes:
$api_dev_key = 'YOUR API DEVELOPER KEY';$api_user_key = ';$api_results_limit = '100';$url = 'https://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php';$ch = curl_init($url);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'api_option=list&api_user_key='.$api_user_key.'&api_dev_key='.$api_dev_key.'&api_results_limit='.$api_results_limit.');curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0);$response = curl_exec($ch);echo $response;
Below is a curl command example how to list pastes:
curl -X POST -d 'api_dev_key=YOUR API DEVELOPER KEY' -d 'api_user_key=YOUR API USER KEY' -d 'api_option=list' -d 'api_results_limit=100' 'https://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php'
Below is an example output of a users paste listing:
<paste> <paste_key>0b42rwhf</paste_key> <paste_date>1297953260</paste_date> <paste_title>javascript test</paste_title> <paste_size>15</paste_size> <paste_expire_date>1297956860</paste_expire_date> <paste_private>0</paste_private> <paste_format_long>JavaScript</paste_format_long> <paste_format_short>javascript</paste_format_short> <paste_url>https://pastebin.com/0b42rwhf</paste_url> <paste_hits>15</paste_hits></paste><paste> <paste_key>0C343n0d</paste_key> <paste_date>1297694343</paste_date> <paste_title>Welcome To Pastebin V3</paste_title> <paste_size>490</paste_size> <paste_expire_date>0</paste_expire_date> <paste_private>0</paste_private> <paste_format_long>None</paste_format_long> <paste_format_short>text</paste_format_short> <paste_url>https://pastebin.com/0C343n0d</paste_url> <paste_hits>65</paste_hits></paste>
Other Possible Good API Responses: Possible Bad API Responses:
Bad API request, invalid api_optionBad API request, invalid api_dev_keyBad API request, invalid api_user_key
Deleting A Paste Created By A User
With this API you can delete pastes created by certain users. You will need to send a valid POST request to the url below to access the data: Include all the following POST parameters when you request the url:
1. api_dev_key - this is your API Developer Key, in your case: YOUR API DEVELOPER KEY
2. api_user_key - this is the session key of the logged in user. How to obtain such a key
3. api_paste_key - this is the unique key of the paste you want to delete.
4. api_option - set as 'delete'
Below is a PHP example using curl how to delete a paste:
$api_dev_key = 'YOUR API DEVELOPER KEY';$api_user_key = ';$api_paste_key = ';$url = 'https://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php';$ch = curl_init($url);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'api_option=delete&api_user_key='.$api_user_key.'&api_dev_key='.$api_dev_key.'&api_paste_key='.$api_paste_key.');curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0);$response = curl_exec($ch);echo $response;
Below is a curl command example how to delete a paste:
curl -X POST -d 'api_dev_key=YOUR API DEVELOPER KEY' -d 'api_user_key=YOUR API USER KEY' -d 'api_option=delete' -d 'api_paste_key=API PASTE KEY' 'https://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php'
Possible Good API Responses: Possible Bad API Responses:
Bad API request, invalid api_optionBad API request, invalid api_dev_keyBad API request, invalid api_user_keyBad API request, invalid permission to remove paste
Getting A Users Information And Settings
With this API you can obtain a users personal information and certain settings. You will need to send a valid POST request to the url below to access the data: Include all the following POST parameters when you request the url:
1. api_dev_key - this is your API Developer Key, in your case: YOUR API DEVELOPER KEY
2. api_user_key - this is the session key of the logged in user. How to obtain such a key
3. api_option - set as 'userdetails'
Xojo.com Below is a PHP example using curl how to get user information:
$api_dev_key = 'YOUR API DEVELOPER KEY';$api_user_key = ';$url = 'https://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php';$ch = curl_init($url);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'api_option=userdetails&api_user_key='.$api_user_key.'&api_dev_key='.$api_dev_key.');curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0);$response = curl_exec($ch);echo $response;
Below is a curl command example how to get user information:
curl -X POST -d 'api_dev_key=YOUR API DEVELOPER KEY' -d 'api_user_key=YOUR API USER KEY' -d 'api_option=userdetails' 'https://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php'
Below is an example output of a user information listing:
<user> <user_name>wiz_kitty</user_name> <user_format_short>text</user_format_short> <user_expiration>N</user_expiration> <user_avatar_url>https://pastebin.com/cache/a/1.jpg</user_avatar_url> <user_private>1</user_private> (0 Public, 1 Unlisted, 2 Private) <user_website>https://myawesomesite.com</user_website> <user_email>oh@dear.com</user_email> <user_location>New York</user_location> <user_account_type>1</user_account_type> (0 normal, 1 PRO)</user>
Possible Bad API Responses:
Bad API request, invalid api_optionBad API request, invalid api_dev_keyBad API request, invalid api_user_key
Getting raw paste output of users pastes including 'private' pastes
With this API you can obtain the raw paste output of a users pastes, including private pastes: Include all the following POST parameters when you request the url:
1. api_dev_key - this is your API Developer Key, in your case: YOUR API DEVELOPER KEY

Xojo Xml

2. api_user_key - this is the session key of the logged in user. How to obtain such a key
3. api_paste_key - this is paste key you want to fetch the data from.

Xojo Reviews

4. Xojoapi_option - set as 'show_paste'
Below is a PHP example using curl how to fetch a users raw paste output:
$api_dev_key = 'YOUR API DEVELOPER KEY';$api_user_key = ';$url = 'https://pastebin.com/api/api_raw.php';$ch = curl_init($url);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'api_option=show_paste&api_user_key='.$api_user_key.'&api_dev_key='.$api_dev_key.'&api_paste_key=A_VALID_PASTE_KEY_HERE');curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0);$response = curl_exec($ch);echo $response;
Below is a curl command example how to fetch a users raw paste output:
curl -X POST -d 'api_dev_key=YOUR API DEVELOPER KEY' -d 'api_user_key=YOUR API USER KEY' -d 'api_option=show_paste' -d 'api_paste_key=API PASTE KEY' 'https://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php'
Possible Bad API Responses:
Bad API request, invalid api_optionBad API request, invalid api_dev_keyBad API request, invalid api_user_keyBad API request, invalid permission to view this paste or invalid api_paste_key


Getting raw paste output of any 'public' & 'unlisted' pastes
This option is actually not part of our API, but you might still want to use it. To get the raw output of any public or unlisted paste you can use our raw data output url: Simply add the paste_keyXojo at the end of that url and you will get the raw output.
TIP: If you are trying to scrape our content, check out our scraping API.

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Web API Categories
Amazon EC2
Amazon Glacier
Amazon S3
Amazon S3 (new)
Amazon SES
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Amazon SQS
Azure Cloud Storage
Azure Service Bus
Azure Table Service
Bounced Email
DKIM / DomainKey
Digital Signatures
Dynamics CRM
Email Object
Google APIs
Google Calendar
Google Cloud SQL
Google Cloud Storage
Google Drive
Google Photos
Google Sheets
Google Tasks

JSON Web Encryption (JWE)
JSON Web Signatures (JWS)
JSON Web Token (JWT)
Java KeyStore (JKS)
MHT / HTML Email
MS Storage Providers
Microsoft Graph
Outlook Calendar
PDF Signatures
SSH Tunnel
Tar Archive
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